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Functional Clinical Assessment (FCA): The Tool of FNTPs

Have you ever wondered what YOUR body truly needs to heal? What makes the Functional [...]

What is an FNTP (Functional nutritional therapy practitioner)?

A Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) is a health professional certified by the Nutritional Therapy [...]

The Modern Imperative of Supplementation: Navigating Nutrient Depletion in Today’s World

In today’s bustling world of wellness trends and dietary guidance, one age-old belief stands out: [...]

Exploring the Link Between Stress and Your Well-being … and what to do about it.

Let’s delve into the world of stress and its impact on your health. Stress is [...]

La Nutrition fonctionnelle c’est quoi?

La nutrition fonctionnelle est basée sur l’idée que la santé peut être acquise grâce une [...]

What is orthomolecular medicine?

Orthomolecular nutrition goes beyond conventional dietary recommendations, aiming to align our diets with the foods [...]